Esta viendo la etiqueta: Bridgepoint Hospital

10 Tips for savvy travellers
The future of medicine is participatory

Can medicine be participatory? What can the real impact of patient’s voice be regarding treatments, clinical trials and other domains traditionally belonging to a highly specialised science? Is participatory medicine limited to e-patient’s influence, like David DeBronkhart, which is very powerful, but at the end another form to create opinion? Or to the contrary is […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Involucrar a pacientes en el diseño hospitalario

Tengo predilección por el Beryl Institute porque todos los meses publica Buenos casos de estudio con mejores prácticas en la mejora la experiencia del paciente. He escogido uno en concreto del mes de octubre porque trata de una temática especialmente importante como es la involucración de pacientes y cuidadores en el diseño y evaluación hospitalarios. El […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Engaging Patients in Design and Evaluation

I love the site of the Beryl Institute, because every month they publish lots of case studies with best practices in improving patient experience. I picked up a particular one of the October update because it deals with a question that is particularly important, which is the engagement in design and evaluation of both, patients and […]

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