Esta viendo la etiqueta: ethnography

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Four arrhythmias and (luckily) no funeral

May be this post is a bit long, but it will be certainly useful to define what s patient experience. We present the case of one single patient –written by him- because in a short time he had to be taken admitted 4 times in 3 different hospitals due to atrial fibrillation. Applying ethnographic analysis […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Expert patients and multidisciplinarity: success factors at quality assistance in healthcare

Patient involvement is good for patients and good for healthcare systems. For instance, the complex chronic patient (CCP) program of Barcelona’s Sant Joan de Deu Hospital has reduced hospital admissions of these kind of patients by 60% and 62% of emergency admissions. It is a great success because chronic patients are among those with a […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Can patients design hospital services? Two examples from Germany and Denmark

After the latest Healthcocreation post about hospital design with patient involvement, Dr. Gabriel Heras published in his very useful blog about humanization of intensive care a post suggesting intensivists should design intensive care units (ICU) together with their families and caregivers. And he asks his readers, how they would like intensive care to be. Thanks […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
IVF Technologies and Patient Centricity

The past 28th to 30th of September a very interesting congress took place in Alicante organized by the IVF-SPAIN Foundation and Merck Serono. The main focus were new technologies for human reproduction, especially time lapse predictive technologies, but also genomic and endometrial technologies. This video shows in short the congress best moments. What do IVF […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Patient-centred care – what we can learn from nurse conversations

“Should I tell my child that it is born out from egg donation?” asked a patient to a nurse I a Southern England fertility clinic. Other patients seek not ethical but directly medical advice from nurses. It is normal that patients ask nurses and assistants, but it is not normal that they address medical questions. […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Psychological factors in IVF treatments – can improved patient experience improve pregnancy outcomes?

It has been a longer time since I haven’t posted in the blog. It was a stressfull time, but before the summer leave I would love to share a bit of the ethnographic and patient experience work in fertility I am currently involved in. Many of you know for sure stories were an infertile couple […]

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