Esta viendo la etiqueta: Human Reproduction

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Patient Experience in Fertility 2: practical examples on how to apply it to clinical practice

The latest post described how important patient experience is in fertility in contrast to the small amount of research done in the field. We promised to describe examples from clinical practice on how to improve patient experience and by that achieve significant impacts for patients and the organization. May be it is not very modest […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
IVF Technologies and Patient Centricity

The past 28th to 30th of September a very interesting congress took place in Alicante organized by the IVF-SPAIN Foundation and Merck Serono. The main focus were new technologies for human reproduction, especially time lapse predictive technologies, but also genomic and endometrial technologies. This video shows in short the congress best moments. What do IVF […]

10 Tips for savvy travellers
Anthropology and assisted reproduction

At the End of March, the chair “Human Fertility” of the University Alicante and the IVF-Spain Foundation organized a scientific update on latest techniques in Human Reproduction. The director of the Chair, María José Gómez Torres, invited first class experts, such as Dr. Jaime Gosálbez, one of the world best specialists in the area of […]

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