Professor Horcajadas, the well know specialist for reproductive genetics with 45 international papers on the issue, compares the difference between traditional genetic techniques and sequencing with fishing. “Using sequencing is like having an industrial fishing net, while traditional techniques are like using a fishing rod”. But he warns, that “the quality of data in the […]
In the last post we saw that despite a huge amount of data in electronical medical records and other IT systems supporting healthcare, our knowledge on patients is little. This knowledge gap makes a huge difference in terms of therapeutic effectiveness and of costs. In one example the difference between data and knowledge meant spending […]
A recent post by Tim Kilpatrick in MedCity News dealt with the cost of not taking into account real patient needs. As an example he quotes the case of a 90 year old patient admitted into the hospital with a congestive health failure. The article writes that the US healthcare system “will pay for the […]