Patient experience programs

Reduction of hospitalisations due to childhood asthma

“Breathe” is a program lead by Dr Contreras that has achieved through empoverment following results:

  • Decrease of hospitalisation from 6,25 days to 0,05
  • Decrease of emergency visits from 5,42 days to 0,79
  • Decrease of cortocoid consumption from 16,47 days to 0,95

Reduction of stress and anxiety in neonatology

“Hug” is a program developed by Dr Evelyn Cano that has achieved significant reductions in stress and anxiety in fathers and mothers, as well as healthcare professionals in neonatology, improving prognosis and discharge times. Evidence is contained in this link (See link)

Routines against cancer

Ana Siles, an oncological patient has created this program as a patient school that allows cancer patients to deal their daily lifes with routines and healthy habits in nutrition, mind, fitness, clean environment that allow them to train their body’s resistance during cancer.

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